Teaching and Learning Consulting Network, LLC
Supporting the quest to improve teaching and learning

Times are changing! What kids need to know and be able to do affects teaching too!
What's Next?
Stay tuned for new learning opportunities.
What's Next?
Stay tuned for new learning opportunities.
Make plans schedule new learning at YOUR School! Topics, formats, times, dates, are flexible & will be designed with your needs in mind.See what learning could look like!
Expand Your Network!
Learning & Doing at YOUR School
TLCN no longer offers summer workshops in the original 2 week setting. However, we can do 2 day workshops at your school for your staff and any surrounding schools/educators you'd like to invite. Determine topics based on your needs. With the changes in teaching and learning to better prepare today's students for life after high school, we know everyone's needs are different. Authentic learning experiences require a change in how we think, how we teach and how we assess. Workshops can be scheduled that are appropriate for Elementary, Secondary, and/or a variety of content areas. Workshop topics target topics and skills that will allow educators to change their own practice to better support the goal of creating successful students in a rapidly changing world. Sessions would focus on supporting teachers as they seek to create authentic and rigorous learning experiences. Session topics could include developing growth mindset and effective habits of mind; deeper engagement through application of skills; utilizing and integrating technology in the classroom; online presentation skills; and understanding with poverty students in mind. Workshops would need to be 2 days in length, if graduate college credit is desired (offered by Baker University as a separate fee). |
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We Are Your School Improvement Travel Partner

The journey to improved teaching and learning is a road map with twists and turns, highs and lows, and detours along the way to the desired destination. It is a journey of that involves changes in educator practice that results in increased student performance. It is not a journey that should not be taken alone or without a plan. Let us help you through this change process!
The Teaching and Learning Consulting Network, LLC is committed to being a partner in this journey to make schools the best they can be in terms of instruction and achievement through quality professional learning.
The work of Marzano and others have documented the impact of effective instruction on student achievement. Improved teaching and learning requires a team effort that combines collaboration of educators within the school with support from administrators, academic and instructional coaches, and other resource personnel. Implementing Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) also known as Common Core Standards, is on the forefront of all educators. What professional learning plans do you have in place to ensure that teachers understand what to teach and how to teach it? What support do you have in place? How can we help?
The Teaching and Learning Consulting Network, LLC is committed to being a partner in this journey to make schools the best they can be in terms of instruction and achievement through quality professional learning.
The work of Marzano and others have documented the impact of effective instruction on student achievement. Improved teaching and learning requires a team effort that combines collaboration of educators within the school with support from administrators, academic and instructional coaches, and other resource personnel. Implementing Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) also known as Common Core Standards, is on the forefront of all educators. What professional learning plans do you have in place to ensure that teachers understand what to teach and how to teach it? What support do you have in place? How can we help?
Professional Learning: If Not a Workshop, Then What?

One of our missions is to help you plan and deliver effective professional learning for your staff to improve teaching and learning.
What does this look like? Let's sit down and make a plan to fit your needs. Whether your staff needs an introduction to a new topic or strategy, follow up, or support during implementation, we can help.
Click on this link to learn more about effective Professional Learning.
- Begin with questions: Why? How? What?
- Use data to drive decisions.
- Personalize and focus professional learning to better meet the needs of all educators.
- Include more focused collaboration
What does this look like? Let's sit down and make a plan to fit your needs. Whether your staff needs an introduction to a new topic or strategy, follow up, or support during implementation, we can help.
Click on this link to learn more about effective Professional Learning.

Change happens in education as a result of our efforts to improve instruction and achievement, meet the needs of our students, and become more efficient and effective. How we respond to those changes is contingent upon us understanding WHY the changes are occurring, HOW they will benefit us, and WHAT results will occur once the changes are implemented. Changes may be mandated or those that are simply what's best for kids. To deal with change, we have to determine how to put the pieces together to achieve the desired goals and support the implementation of the specified change with effective professional learning. Teaching and Learning Consulting Network can provide the assistance you may need in this process.
Read more about the Change and the Why, How and What of Professional Learning.
Read more about the Change and the Why, How and What of Professional Learning.
What Changes? Learn More About Educational Changes in Kansas
How can we help your school effectively implement the strategies and procedures associated with these changes and sustain their success systemically?
We invite you to view the video below to learn more about the changes happening in Kansas with regard to education. These include the implementation of Common Core (Kansas College and Career Ready Standards), the new accreditation policies, and the new evaluation systems for educators. This video could also be used as a first step to help inform staff, parents, boards of education, and community members on the efforts to improve teaching and learning.
Note: This video was created by Kansas Learning First Alliance - a coalition representing 33 groups, organizations, and agencies interested in education and dedicated to keeping learning as the first priority in Kansas education.
We invite you to view the video below to learn more about the changes happening in Kansas with regard to education. These include the implementation of Common Core (Kansas College and Career Ready Standards), the new accreditation policies, and the new evaluation systems for educators. This video could also be used as a first step to help inform staff, parents, boards of education, and community members on the efforts to improve teaching and learning.
Note: This video was created by Kansas Learning First Alliance - a coalition representing 33 groups, organizations, and agencies interested in education and dedicated to keeping learning as the first priority in Kansas education.

The Teaching and Learning Consulting Network, LLC
Supporting the quest to improve teaching and learning